Relaxation Massage

About the Practitioner

Danél Harlan
Ohio College of Massotherapy (OCM) Akron OH
Relax, Enjoy, Live

 I have always wanted to make people feel better. As a child I would "rub" my dad's feet and massage both my mom and dad's backs. Throughout my teen years to adulthood I was quick to massage a friend or colleagues shoulders or hands. I became a Medical Assistant in 2003 and for 7 years I worked for a pediatric office and was know to have a 'good touch' with shots, tests, and treatment. I found that my career as a MA was very rewarding , but now I feel my calling is in a different field of medicine. A few years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent several traumatic surgeries. She had difficulties with recovery and started to see a massage therapist to help with the healing process. As a graduate from Ohio College of Massotherapy, and newly licensed LMT, I am eager to apply all that I have learned about massage and all the different techniques and modalities that are involved. Everybody and every body is unique in itself and often different from one session to another, offering a new set of challenges with every turn.

I feel the need to help people any way that I possibly can. Massage allows me to do that.    
I enjoy reading, making jewelry, and learning as much as I can about as many things as I can. The more you know the more you grow...

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